Project Cargo from Singapore to Mumbai, India in 10 days.
Mobilisation of passenger Ferry vessel
Dimensions: 31.72(L) x 8.40(W) x 5.32(H) in Meters
Weight : 110.00 metric tons
Vessel Name : Ubin
Weight : 115.00 metric tons
Bruhat scope

Mode of Operandi
Port meeting :
– We initiated a port meeting a week prior the operation to discuss on various operational activities.
– All involved party have attended the meetings.
– In this meeting , Vessel berthing terminal will be confirmed, loading schedule will be confirmed.
– Lifting plan, COG marking, GA diagram was verified & approved.
– Port Officials will ensure all safety arrangement will be done during loading.
MPA Approval:
– Respective approvals from the MPA has been taken in order to deliver the passenger ferry to Jurong port from ship yard.
– MPA required for specific documentation regarding the cargo and company. They will verify the safety in order to provide the approval.
Gate pass:
– Gate pass has been received from port for the following party:
• Bruhat team
• Shipper and client
• Lashing surveyor
• Divers
• Cradle delivery truck.
Loading operation :
1st boat loading: CHAWAN
– VO has advised the loading sequence and accordingly we have made arrangement to load our 1st Vessel Chawan
– Cradle has been arranged by the shipper as per GA diagram provided.
– Shipper has informed that cradle will be delivered alongside chartered vessel, along with cargo vessel. However, due to some operational constraints, shipper has changed the planning and informed us that the cradle will be delivered to port separately in a trailer.
– However, if we need to enter the cargo inside the port, we need to create ESN for the cargo and also get the gate pass for the drivers.
– Loading was planned on 8 am.
– We need to delivery the cradle before 6 am.
– At the neck of the movement we changed the ESN for the boat and created new ESN for the cradle.
– We followed up the driver and make sure it is delivered before 6 am.
– Meanwhile, we started coordination in the port stevedore team on the loading plan.
– Before the loading started, we ensured that the divers are available at the port terminal, as the cargo is belly lifting.
– Chawan boat lifting operation has been successfully completed.
Loading operation :
2nd boat loading: UBIN
– Ubin loading operation was quick different from chawan, as it’s an landing craft type.
– Ubin boat was sailed from shipper yard to Jurong port along with the safety boat.
– Already our divers where in the sea, for hooking the cargo.
– Dunnage woods already place on deck of the vsl.
– Cargo has been loaded successful without any delay.
Finally, our lashing surveyor, surveyed the cargo lashing and given us the lashing survey report and certified all lashing is done properly.
This is sent to the vsl Owner and client.
Customers were extremely delighted with our service level ,as all the uncertainties has been managed efficiently to complete the loading successfully.